
Bob Hobbi

Founder, President and CEO

ServiceElements International Inc

Bob Hobbi is President and CEO of ServiceElements and has more than 37 years of experience in the aerospace and business and general aviation industry. Hobbi held various executive positions at FlightSafety International, until he was recruited by Honeywell to be Director of the Aerospace Academy, responsible for training thousands of aviation professionals from all sectors of the industry. Hobbi later joined MedAire in the role of Vice President and General Manager for all business aviation activities. He has held executive positions on several boards including the Arizona Business Aviation Association, the NBAA Business Aviation Management Committee, and nine (9) years on the Scottsdale Airport Commission.

Additionally, Hobbi is the co-author of Building a Service Culture (Information Age Publishing, 2008), has published numerous articles on workforce development, and is a frequent keynote speaker at business aviation industry events. In 2003, out of sheer passion for the industry, Hobbi launched ServiceElements International Inc. to develop people and solve challenges in the business and general aviation industry. ServiceElements has grown into an industry icon addressing topics such as Service Culture, Leadership, Teamwork, Communications, Human Factors and Organizational Development.  


Bob Bobby

Bob Hobbi

Founder, President and CEO

ServiceElements International Inc

15029 N Thompson Peak Pkwy, B111, Suite 444
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 

Phone: + 1 480-538-0123 