FAA Part 5 SMS Explained 

Presented By: Amanda Ferraro, Aviation Safety Solutions

Recommended for: All Aviation Professionals

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

15:00 - 16:30 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

13:00 - 14:30 

Did you know that FAA Part 5 SMS is different than ICAO Annex 19? This means that the currently established SMS programs may not meet the requirements of the FAA in the future. More than 10,000 operators will need to implement an FAA Part 5 SMS in the coming years. This workshop is for operators that have already implemented an SMS and for organizations thinking about an FAA Part 5 SMS. Join Amanda Ferraro, business aviation’s leading expert on SMS, and learn what are the differences and how to comply in the future. This workshop is for corporate flight departments, repair stations, manufacturers, air traffic control, and flight training organizations. Be ready and be prepared!


Amanda Ferraro

Chief Executive Officer

Aviation Safety Solutions