Mitigating the Risk of LOC-I Through Effective UPRT: A Comprehensive SMS Approach
Presented by: Randall Brooks – Aviation Performance Solutions, LLC.
Recommended for: Aviation Managers, Flight crew, Pilots
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
13:00 – 14:30
Thursday, November 9, 2023
13:00 – 14:30
The presentation provides a building block approach identifying the associated causes of Airplane Upsets and Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) hazards, including correct risk assessment of LOC-I. FAA Part 5 Safety Management System (SMS) and ICAO Doc 9859 Safety Management Manual principles are introduced to accurately address the LOC-I threat and illustrate the importance of effective mitigation. Critical factors necessary for LOC-I mitigation will be identified, allowing accurate identification of components necessary for effective Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). The importance of comprehensive UPRT through integrated use of academic, on-aircraft, and flight simulation to reduce risk to a tolerable level will be discussed. The presentation concludes with information on critical next steps a Pilot or Safety Manager of a flight department should take to begin the process of mitigating their LOC-I risk in their flight operation. Information will be provided on how flight department Safety Managers can approach management to support investment in UPRT as a priority for their safety budget.
Randall Brooks
Vice President of Training and
Business Development
Aviation Performance Solutions, LLC.