Integrity Is Safety

Presented by: Amy D Grubb, PhD – Federal Bureau of Investigation

Thursday, November 9, 2023
10:45 – 11:45

This engaging session will explore personal and cultural integrity impact on safety. Key discussion points will explore how what we think as individuals influences what you do,” and determining how the meaning of integrity in action can change your personal behaviors and influence those around you. We will also determine if this can work to create a safer work environment, from both a physical and psychological point of view. We will also explore the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, management, and other disciplines, to see how aviation professionals can leverage their “humanness” to help enhance their personal safety processes (and those of their colleagues’) to help them become safer through the lens of integrity.

Amy D Grubb, PhD

Amy D Grubb, PhD

Digital Transformation Advisor

Federal Bureau of Investigation