
Pat Daily

Director of Safety, Berry Aviation, Inc.

Pat Daily is the Director of Safety for Berry Aviation, Inc., a trusted leader in private aviation, with a portfolio of services that includes government, scheduled and on-demand cargo, MRO/CRO and FBO operations. 

Pat’s background includes 12 years of active duty service and 18 years as a reserve officer in the US Air Force where he flew as an operational pilot in F-4 and F-16 aircraft. He is a graduate of, and later instructed at the USAF Test Pilot School and has flown and evaluated more than 60 types of aircraft and has instructed US and allied pilots in upset recovery techniques in a variety of aircraft and is a member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots. Pat taught Aeronautical Engineering at the US Air Force Academy. 

Prior to joining Berry, Pat was the Flight Test Safety Officer and later the Global Director of Safety for Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation. While at Mitsubishi, Pat became a Certified Safety Professional. He was a founding partner of Convergent Performance and the Director of Honeywell’s Defense and Space Electronics Systems at Johnson Space Center where he managed Guidance, Navigation and Control Projects for the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. 

With Berry Aviation, Inc., Pat is working to elevate Berry’s Safety Risk Management System to Enterprise Risk Management and codify their best practices in the US and downrange. 

Since publishing SPARK, his first novel, Pat has been his publisher’s best-selling author. 

Pat and his wife split their time between Houston and San Marcos, Texas and wherever their daughters and grandchildren happen to be. 




Pat Daily

Pat Daily

Director of Safety

Berry Aviation, Inc

1807 Airport Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666

Phone:  +1 (713) 398-8496
Company Web address: