Ryan Brockhaus

Security Specialist, Aviation and Maritime
MedAire, Inc.

Ryan Brockhaus is a Security Specialist, Aviation and Maritime with MedAire, Inc. In this capacity, he is heavily involved in 24/7 intelligence gathering through open-source networks, while performing real-time assessments of global events affecting the aviation and maritime domains. Additionally, Ryan provides security briefings, assessment and advisement of airspace, and alert publications for respective clients.

Previously, he was a senior fellow with the Washington D.C.-based Hungary Foundation through the inaugural Budapest Fellowship Program. During his fellowship, Ryan lived in Hungary while conducting research on U.S.-Hungary defense cooperation, both within and outside of the NATO framework. Ryan also authored numerous publications through Hungarian outlets on topics of international politics and defense, while lecturing at Budapest-based Mattias Corvinus Collegium. He officially completed his fellowship with Hungary Foundation in 2021.

Ryan holds a Master of Arts degree in Global Security from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. He also has a Bachelors degree in Global Studies through ASU’s online undergraduate program, where he achieved Summa Cum Laude honors. Ryan has a particular interest and specialty in Central and Eastern European affairs.

​​Ryan Brockhaus


Address: ​4722 N. 24th Street, Suite 450
                 ​Phoenix, Arizona 85016

Phone: ​+1-480-333-3700​


Website:  ​https://www.medaire.com