Fitness for Duty:
Where does fitness, fit into our duty?

Presented by: ​​​Timothy Wade​​

Recommended for: All aviation professionals

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
15:00 – 16:30

Thursday, November 14, 2024
13:00 – 14:30

In our industry, fitness for duty tends to lean heavily on mental wellness, however one of the biggest influences on our mental wellness is our physical wellness. Nutrition isn’t just for health fanatics and exercise isn’t just for body builders. Small improvements to our daily routines that focus on our physical wellbeing can be monumental to your overall health and productivity.

This session will cover some topics that impact every position in aviation, to include Daily nutrition vs nutrition for weight loss, Aviation nutrition- Tips and tricks to be successful and enjoy, being on the road, in restaurants, and bouncing through airports. Exercise- How to get started, quality over quantity, and how to incorporate fitness on the road.

​We all travel, and for me personally, keeping my exercise routine is difficult and eating right while away from home can seem impossible. But it doesn’t have to be! ​ 

Timothy Wade

Timothy Wade

​Director of Environmental, Health, and Safety