Positive Culture for Higher Safety Standards
Presented By: JD McHenry & Rich Bean, GlobalJet Services
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
09:00 - 10:00
A positive leader will directly improve the safety and quality of flight operations by creating a positive company culture. Leadership and management impact Crew Resource Management (CRM), Human Factors (HF), Safety Management Systems (SMS), and Professionalism.
Leadership success focuses on the team. Leaders must set examples of a good attitude and healthy relationships; showing examples can have many benefits, especially in building teamwork. An excellent teamwork environment must start with management.
When a leader is positive and full of energy, other people will benefit from them in many ways, including safety. Be happy with yourself and show others how happy you are to meet or see them by being enthusiastic throughout your entire body. The first impression may seem minor, but it could be the most crucial factor in being a great leader. By being a positive and enthusiastic leader, others will have the tendency to become like you.
Motivating others is another key element to leadership success. Leaders must know exactly how to motivate. Often, we do not pay attention or make enough of an effort in motivating. By effectively motivating people, you will create a positive environment for better safety and efficiency.
One of the tools for motivation is an annual employee performance evaluation. Most managers do not realize the performance evaluation is a motivation tool, but it can be extremely beneficial. A manager who conducts effective evaluations motivates employees and builds a positive company culture.
By practicing excellent leadership skills daily, we can enhance company culture and raise the standards in safety.