Safety Standdown Safety Talk #14

Franco Pietracupa
Franco Pietracupa, Demonstration Pilot, Flight Operations, Bombardier

To Circle or Not to Circle? That is the question...

February 17th, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. ET

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Presenter: Franco Pietracupa, Demonstration Pilot, Flight Operations, Bombardier 

Join Captain Franco Pietracupa, Demonstration Pilot, Flight Operations, Bombardier.

Circling approaches have been around the since the dawn of instrument flying. Yet every year, this hybrid combination of an instrument approach with visual maneuvering continues to be very prevalent in aviation accidents statistics, too often with deadly consequences. 

Is pilot training adequate? Are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in line with reality? Are we assessing risk correctly? Should we ban Circling altogether? 

From training requirements, regulations and past accidents, to the human factors, CRM and aerodynamics involved, explore the various factors and reasons that are making these approaches so challenging. But also, get practical advices and best practices on how to adequately prepare, better assess and mitigate risks associated with circling approaches. 

We will also briefly discuss the upcoming 5G rollout and its direct implication to the various aircraft systems that rely on the radar altimeter data.   

Webinar Document

  • To Circle or Not to Circle? That is the question... - Franco Pietracupa

Franco Pietracupa

Franco Pietracupa

Demonstration Pilot, Flight Operations
