The Word That Shall Not Be Said

Presented by: Kent Stauffer

Recommended for: All aviation professionals

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
15:00 – 16:30

Thursday, November 14, 2024
15:00 – 16:30

$@f3ty – It’s a word used all the time in many ways. It’s the name of a department, it’s a profession and it may even be in your title. Let’s be honest - what is the raw human emotional response when people hear the word or subject? How do we get bought-in if it evokes a negative response before, we even talk about it? How do we overcome generations of stigma attached to something so important? Let’s change it from something we say to remind ourselves of its importance, to something that is simply a natural part of our DNA. By understanding human emotional response, we can begin to engrain the true message in new, effective, and meaningful ways without ever saying the word.

Kent Stauffer

Kent Stauffer

Vice President Safety