Are You Ready to Go… Around? The Art of Making the Call  

Presented By: Franco Pietracupa & Étienne Côté, Bombardier

Recommended for: Aviation Managers 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

15:00 - 16:30 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

15:00 - 16:30 

A “Go-Around” is a maneuver that is almost as old as aviation itself. And given that it is one of the most trained maneuvers and a possible outcome for any approach, one would expect that pilots should always be ready to Go-Around and be good at it. Yet in actual operations, it is one of the most poorly executed maneuvers. 

Statistics also show us that too many unstable and circling approaches are continued to a landing when they should have been discontinued, unfortunately sometimes with fatal consequences.  

So why few Go-Arounds? What make them so difficult? Is something preventing pilots from recognizing the Go-Around triggers?  Or could it be that our “pilot culture” and gaps in our airmanship blinds us into not wanting to make the call? Surely there must be something we can do to improve this trend.  

Join Captain Franco Pietracupa and Captain Etienne Côté as they explore the “Go-Around mindset” and the multitude of factors involved in calling and executing it. From the training, the approach preparation and monitoring, to crew communication, cockpit management and others. Through scenario-based discussions and actual accident review, learn about some of the Go-Around pitfalls and how to best avoid them.  


Franco Pietracupa

Demonstration Pilot



Étienne Côté

Demonstration Pilot and Air Safety Investigator
