Compliance Reliance:
The Invisible Threat

Presented by: Marty Grier
                            (The Home Depot)

Recommended for: All aviation professionals

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
13:00 – 14:30

Thursday, November 14, 2024
13:00 – 14:30

In an industry where best practices and regulatory compliance rule, we build checklists and SOPs galore that define every aspect of our operation. We train our teams to perform their tasks accurately and efficiently, measure performance through metrics and sail through internal and external audits with high marks. We are well respected and revered for our excellent safety records. We are very comfortable inside the box we have created. Have we become too comfortable? What are the threats to our operations that we cannot see? Join us as we discuss how we got here and how we can re-energize continuous improvement.

Marty Grier

Marty Grier

Director, Aircraft Maintenance
The Home Depot

Jennifer Pickerel

Jennifer Pickerel

Aviation Personnel International