When Airmanship Ends, and the Checklist Begins

Presented by: Étienne Côté – Bombardier
                          Franco Pietracupa – Bombardier

Recommended for: All aviation professionals, Flight crew, Pilots, Technicians

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
15:00 – 16:30

Thursday, November 9, 2023
15:00 – 16:30

Following up on the journey started at Safety Standdown in 2016, we continue to see issues with crew discipline in following the checklist. The first known industry checklist was developed after the crash of a model 299 on October 30, 1935. The normal modern checklist has experienced multiple evolutions, changes, and formats. Nonetheless, all agree -- the checklist has, will, and continues to be our best line of defense in flight safety by providing safety critical information and verifications, at the right time, every time. So why do we continue to see incident/accident reports finding checklist omittance as a leading or contributing factor? Join us as we continue our journey on the checklist’s evolution and more critically, the human factors that affect the use (or nonuse) of the checklist. Ultimately, follow the recipe!

Étienne Côté

Étienne Côté

Demonstration Pilot and Air Safety Investigator


Franco Pietracupa

Franco Pietracupa

Bombardier Representative, Demonstration Pilot
